STEAM Nature Camp

Thank you for registering for the “STEAM Natrue Camp”. Before filling out the information, please make sure to read the following important notices and comply with the related agreements.

  • 本活動為培養孩子學習獨立自主及同儕團體相處,不開放家長隨行。
  • 為響應環保、愛護土地及自然環境,本活動學員請自備水壺、環保餐具及個人清潔用品,主辦方不提供一次性盥洗用品。
  • 患有心臟病、氣喘病、高血壓、癲癇症、糖尿病及其他特殊疾病,請於填寫基本資料時詳細說明,並請考量孩子身體狀況斟酌報名。如經主辦方參考專業醫囑,認為報名學員不宜參加本活動,或無法配合學員之特殊要求,主辦方有權拒絕學員報名,並退回活動報名費用。
  • 呈上,如因學員報名時未主動說明特殊需求,如罹患重症、過敏體質等,致學員參加本活動時身體不適,無法繼續參加活動時,主辦方不予退費,其衍生之相關醫療費用,須由學員家長自行負擔。
  • 家長應據實填寫本次活動所需之各項資料,詳閱說明資訊,並同意營隊相關規定。
  • 詳細活動內容及所需物品,請參考行前通知,將於活動前7日發出。
  • 活動內容及流程將依現場狀況及氣候適時調整。
  • 每梯次各招收22人為上限,採混齡分組,依人數分2-3組。報名人數不足15人時,不予開營。
  • 呈上,如因報名人數不足,不予開營,主辦方將於活動前7日通知已報名學員,學員可選擇更改梯次或退費。
  • 如原訂活動日期因不可抗力(如遇颱風、地震等天候因素等)或其他非可歸責於主辦方之因素,無法舉辦本活動時,主辦方將盡力安排活動延後擇期辦理,如無法延後,將扣除必要費用後退費。
  • 如因學員未配合活動相關規定及營隊工作人員指示,致活動時間延長時,因其所增加之食宿、交通及相關費用,主辦方得備妥單據,要求學員家長給付費用。
  • 為確保參加學員個人之安全及全體學員秩序,學員如有不當言行,工作人員將適時勸導及調整,如因學員未配合工作人員指示或勸導而致傷亡,主辦方不負賠償責任。
  • 若學員請假或缺席時數超過課程總時數之二分之一,將不發給活動證書。
  • 本活動過程將有工作人員拍照或攝影,進行影像紀錄,所衍生之照片、影片所有權為主辦方所有,並將於主辦方經營之網站、社群媒體等各平台分享,學員家長得自主辦方經營之平台轉載或下載留存,惟不得作為商業用途。
  • This activity aims to foster children’s independence, self-reliance, and peer interaction. Parents are not allowed to accompany their children during the Camp.
  • To promote environmental conservation, participants are kindly requested to bring their own water bottles, eco-friendly tableware, and personal hygiene items. The organizers will not provide disposable toiletries.
  • If your child have any pre-existing medical conditions such as heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, epilepsy, diabetes, or any other special health conditions, please provide detailed information when filling out the registration form. It is important to consider the child’s physical condition before signing up. The organizers reserve the right to decline a participant’s registration and refund the registration fee if, based on professional medical advice, it is deemed unsuitable for the participant to take part in the activity or if the organizers are unable to accommodate the participant’s specific requirements.
  • Please note that if a participant fails to proactively disclose any special needs or conditions during the registration process, such as severe illnesses or allergies, and subsequently experiences physical discomfort or is unable to continue participating in the activity, the organizers will not provide a refund. Any associated medical expenses incurred in such situations will be the responsibility of the participant’s parents or guardians.
  • Parents are required to provide accurate information as requested for this activity, carefully read the provided instructions and information, and agree to the camp’s related regulations.
  • Please refer to the pre-event notice for detailed activity information and the list of required items. It will be sent out 7 days prior to the camp.
  • The activity content and schedule may be adjusted according to the on-site conditions and weather as necessary.
  • Each session has a maximum capacity of 22 participants. Mixed-age groups will be formed based on the number of participants, with 2-3 groups. The camp will not proceed if the number of registrations is less than 15 participants.
  • Please note that if the number of registrations is insufficient and the camp cannot proceed, the organizers will notify the registered participants 7 days prior to the event. Participants will have the option to switch to a different session or request a refund.
  • In the event that the scheduled activity cannot take place due to force majeure (such as typhoon, earthquake, or other uncontrollable factors) or other circumstances beyond the control of the organizers, the organizers will make every effort to reschedule the activity at a later date. If rescheduling is not possible, a refund will be issued after deducting necessary expenses.
  • If a participant fails to comply with the activity regulations and instructions of the camp staff, resulting in an extension of the activity duration, the organizer may request the participant’s parents to cover the additional expenses incurred for accommodation, transportation, and related costs. The organizer will provide receipts as proof of the incurred expenses.
  • To ensure the personal safety of participants and maintain order among all attendees, any improper behavior or remarks by a participant will be addressed and adjusted by the camp staff as necessary. If a participant fails to comply with the instructions or guidance of the staff and as a result, accidents or injuries occur, the organizer will not be held liable for any compensation or damages.
  • Participants who exceed more than half of the total course hours due to absences or leave of absence will not be issued an activity certificate.
  • During the camp, staff members will take photos or videos to document the activities. The ownership of these photos and videos belongs to the organizer, and they may be shared on the organizer’s website, social media platforms, or other channels. Parents of participants are allowed to repost or download the photos/videos from the organizer’s official platforms for personal use only, and commercial use is strictly prohibited.

Student Information Form

*If you need to fill out information for more than 1 person, please fill out each form separately. After submitting one form, you can proceed to fill out the second form.

Etalking kids


